Satyagraha2.0: Freedom For Animals
For the first time in recent history, India will be fasting in remembrance of trillions of animals who are killed every year, and are mentally, physically, and sexually abused for humans’ food, clothing, and entertainment. Animal rights activists (known as satyagrahis) will be fasting to recognize these animals as victims, to push for the recognition of their rights, and to urge the public to go vegan.
- Other Satyagrahis will be walking a long distance to the venue with animal rights placards to educate people about Veganism and they will also inform them of the protest.
- At the gathering, we will have poems, songs, and speeches on Veganism and we will also display a video demonstrating the plight of all animals so that bystanders can see what animals are subjected to in different industries.
If you can’t join the event in person, you can fast for animals with us from your home for 12 hours. Please pre-announce and invite/nominate others to fast with you. Also, please make a post or video on your social media handles on why you are fasting and use the following hashtags: